Friday 27 April 2012

Ninja Toitles

I bought 'Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles' on DVD last month because I'm awesome that way.  Like any healthy male product of the 80's I was obsessed with that show growing up and that first movie is still pretty cool if you ask me.  After I watched it I drew this...

This isn't a bad drawing but I thought I could do better.  It's more or less the classic turtle design drawn in my style.  I wanted to mix it up a bit so I did some more sketching and played with the proportions to make them stubbier and a little less anthropomorphized...a bit closer to the original Eastman and Laird drawings.
 I ended up doing a whole character line and added Splinter, April and Casey.  In the original comics(which I've never read) April was actually a lab assistant or something, not a reporter like in the cartoon and I split the difference and drew her in street clothes, note the yellow jacket though.
Apparently in the new Michael Bay produced movie that they're working on they've decided to make the Turtles aliens instead of mutants.  There's an expression for that, I can't remember exactly how it goes but I think it rhymes with 'DUCKING MUPID.'  I have an unrelated movie suggestion myself though...I think Bebop and Rocksteady would be great in that new 'Gone With The Wind' remake I'm sure somebody wants to make.  Don't you think so?

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